Beginning of Department of Applied Physics may be traced to 1995 with the establishment of the Institute of Engineering & Technology (Faculty of Engineering and Technology) and start of
B.Tech. courses in various branches. Initially, faculty of physics cater the need of engineering students however faculty started and couple of students were also enrolled basically Ain 1996.
That time, applied physics department was part of division of Basic Sciences and Humanities. Department started a post graduate course in M.Sc. in Applied Physics in 2004 and acquired a full-fledged
status of a University department. The department is unique in the entire Ro-hilkhand region in the sense that it provides M.Sc. degree with specialisation in Material Science introducing students to
the striking fields of Material Science i.e. Characterisation of materials, Crystal growth, Advanced Solid State Physics and a full paper of Nano Science and Technology. Department is in the process to
develop some credible research centres in the fields of computational physics and material simulation, macromolecular physics and high energy physics. Faculty members have received individual research
projects from different funding agencies which includes AICTE, UGC, DST, DRDO, SERB etc. more than 100 Lacs .
In last five years, Department has published more the twenty research papers in the refereed journal of International repute. More than seven students have been awarded Ph.D.
Some more students are working for the Ph.D. Faculty members of the Applied Physics Department have research collaboration with premier institution of India and abroad like.
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (IITR), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IITK), National Physical la-boratory (NPL) New Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, Lucknow University, Technical University Ilmenau (Germany); Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg (Germany), Julius Maximilian University Wurzburg (Germany).
University de Rennes (France) etc.